Software Integrity

Guarantee that your software systems function as intended without unauthorized alterations. By using Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs), we ensure that the code running in vehicles, trains, drones, and other transport modes is unaltered and operates correctly, mitigating the risks of software tampering and operational failures.

Data Authenticity

Protect the integrity and authenticity of data transmitted across your network. Our technology verifies that data is genuine and hasn’t been compromised by malware or external threats, ensuring accurate and trustworthy information flow essential for safe and efficient operations.

Transmission Security

Enhance the security of data transmission between devices. zk-IoT safeguards against denial-of-service attacks and other threats that could disrupt operations, ensuring that communication between various components remains secure and reliable.

Supply Chain Integrity

Secure the entire supply chain with ZKPs that validate the integrity of components and software at every stage. By detecting vulnerabilities and preventing tampering, we help maintain the overall security and reliability of your transportation systems from production to deployment.


FidesInnova’s zk-IoT technology offers comprehensive solutions to address critical security and integrity challenges in the transportation industry. Our approach ensures that every aspect of your transportation infrastructure is protected, reliable, and optimized for performance.